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Will Tuesday’s Election Results Impact Travel? (KWYWTG 9)


 “Will election results impact travel?” is a question a lot of travelers are asking.

The election on Tuesday November 3rd is near. Today’s podcast talks about some of the thoughts about how election results impact travel now and into the future.

If President Trump is re-elected, will we see more people get up and out of their houses and travel more? If Vice President Biden is elected, will there really be a lockdown that would certainly impact travel?

Either way, are there ways that even in a locked down society we are going to be able to get out and about while socially distancing? 

No one really has all the answers, but we’ll go over some ideas on how travel can happen regardless of the outcome of Tuesday’s election. In fact, state elections may have as much impact as our national elections. Tune in and learn more today about how election results impact travel.

References in today’s podcast (candidates in alpha order by last name)
Curacao Travel –
Joe Biden –
Jo Jorgensen –
Donald Trump –

The host today is CamJon LLC managing partner Cam DeJong.

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